Case Study:
PCA Monthly Executive Report
Content Manager, Copywriter, Graphic Designer, Collaborator, Idea Man
May 2021 to Present
Mailchimp, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft 365, Outlook
Monthly Executive Report newsletters, data & analytics, written and graphic content
Each month, the Portland Cement Association (PCA) sends out a monthly newsletter to update member companies and others in the cement and concrete space on happenings within the organization and the industry. I currently maintain ownership of the creation and distribution of this newsletter through the Mailchimp platform.
• General lack of engagement among subscribers
• Low email open rate (25.1% open rate)
• Lack of visuals within monthly newsletter/report
Our goals to improve the monthly executive report included:
increase membership to the organization’s email list
provide continued value for those on the list
keep the email open rate consistent from month to month
*Please note that improving the executive report is an iterative process with goals that shift and evolve month-to-month.
How I Met Our Goals
To achieve these various goals, my team and I coordinated with several other internal teams to gather email addresses and assess interest in our past newsletters. My colleagues and I collected this data at various trade shows and events that revolved around the cement and concrete industry, including meetings on Capitol Hill.
After growing our email list, the next step was to tailor our content to provide the most valuable information for industry professionals, including economic reports from the PCA Market Intelligence Team, briefs and information for various meetings and seminars, and earned media placements in major outlets (The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, etc.).
As a designer, I also created various graphics to enhance the readers’ experience.
Metrics for 2022 Calendar Year
Monthly Executive Report for Portland Cement Association (PCA)
Open Rate
Average Unique Click Rate
Source: Mailchimp’s 2022 Email Marketing Statistics and Benchmarks by Industry
• During the 2022 calendar year, the Open Rate increased by 6.9%
• Subscribers remained consistent throughout 2022
• Average Clicks more than doubled
• Average Unique Click Rate rose from 5.5% to 11%, increasing by 5.5%
In the cement and concrete space, PCA is one of the most trusted names in the industry due to its longevity and the expertise among its staff. The material (cement and concrete) is important, but the people behind it are just as– if not more– important. With the executive report, we don’t just focus on numbers, we also feature people and companies who are leading and innovating in the space – going above and beyond to align with the industry’s goals as a whole. By sharing information via our monthly executive reports, we have started tough conversations, expanded ideas of what is possible in the industry, and kept cement and concrete as the number one choice for roads, bridges, dams, and much more.