Case Study: Internal Marketing for Progressive Physical Therapy


Lead Internal Marketing and Social Media Specialist


May 2020 –
November 2020


Facebook Pixel, Canva, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Mailchimp


Newsletters, White Papers, Informational Pamphlets, Infographics, Client Testimonials, Data & Analytics


Progressive Physical Therapy is a small physical therapy practice located in Hinsdale, IL. During my time there as the lead Internal Marketing and Social Media Specialist, I was tasked with marketing the company to new clients and retaining existing clients at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, taking into account rapidly changing local mandates, as well as client safety and comfort level.


My goals as the lead Internal Marketing and Social Media Specialist included:

  1. Creating a marketing and social media strategy that would help bring in new clients via mailed materials, email lists, and Facebook Pixel advertising

  2. Forming strong relationships with existing clients and getting testimonials about their time at the practice. These testimonials would later be shared on the company website and in print materials

  3. Designing informational marketing materials (i.e. whitepapers, newsletters, and specialized pamphlets for patients and other healthcare professionals)  

  4. Using feedback from clients to iterate on our marketing and social media strategy

Man taking notes next to computer

How I Met Our Goals

Client Interviews and User Research

  • The first thing I did at PPT was get to know the staff and the clients. In order to develop a marketing strategy, I had to get a feel for how the practice ran, what people liked about it, and what they disliked about it. I made a point to interview each client during the beginning, middle, and end of their treatment to check on their progress and gather feedback for Google testimonials.

  • Through user research, the owner/lead Physical Therapist and I found that people really liked the personalized approach that the therapists had for each client, as well as the option for telehealth visits

  • To keep client engagement strong, we transitioned to weekly webinars and in-person presentations that focused on the benefits of physical therapy and how to improve their quality of life.

Sample Testimonials

Advertising Strategy

  • To promote the in-person workshops and webinars, we created several Advertising Profile/Personas representative of our current clientele. This imagined client had the following characteristics:

    • Aged 45 and up

    • Interested in physical activities OR sedentary lifestyles

    • Located within the Chicagoland area

  • Using Facebook Pixel, we used various tags of those characteristics to target potential clients that may be struggling physically and who would benefit from treatment by a Physical Therapist.

  • To supplement our advertising efforts, we also utilized our email lists via Mailchimp.


  • The average reach for our Facebook and email advertisements was roughly 300 people per item

  • I was able to increase the number of Facebook followers from 25 to 51 by executing my social media strategy, taking full advantage of video, photos, and graphics to engage users.

  • On average, around 5-6 people attended the in-person workshops each week, leading some to become regular clients.

Engaging Other Medical Professionals

For patients and medical professionals, I created a variety of one-pagers, white papers, and infographics for the sake of education. Professionals reported that they learned a lot from these, and clients said that these documents helped with the recovery process.


Open Rate

Measures the percentage of recipients who open the email/newsletter. Mailchimp reports that the average open rate for 2022 across a variety of industries is 21.33%.

Email Open Rate


Social Media
Engagement Rate


Patients per week


Testimonials received



During my tenure as the lead Internal Marketing and Social Media Specialist at Progressive Physical Therapy, we were able to:

  1. See our social media presence grow and attract more clients into the practice so that therapists could do what they do best

  2. Get people the help that they needed so they could get back to enjoying their lives

Sample Work


MacroPoyo: Personal Social Media Projects